To be fair, I haven't read any of the original Wolverine graphic novels, so I didn't really know what I was getting into with a female version of the iconic Marvel character. As played by Hugh Jackman, Wolverine has consistently been my favorite part of the X-Men on screen. So I had high hopes for … Continue reading Review: ALL-NEW WOLVERINE VOL. 1: THE FOUR SISTERS by Tom Taylor

Review: “No One On Earth” by Jennifer Loring

Disclaimer: This review is of a novella that is part of the Starstruck Holidays anthology; due to time constraints, I am only able to review one installment of the anthology at this time. The author and I attended the same graduate program and have assisted each other with promotional work in the past. She provided me … Continue reading Review: “No One On Earth” by Jennifer Loring

Review: CLOAK OF WAR (Empress Game #2) by Rhonda Mason

Disclaimer: I attended the same graduate school program as the author and consider her a friend; however, I purchased my hardcopy version of this novel for full price. Often, middle books in a trilogy act as placeholders. Things happen, but mostly just to get the characters from point A (the exciting first installment) to point … Continue reading Review: CLOAK OF WAR (Empress Game #2) by Rhonda Mason

Review: FROM A HIGH TOWER by Mercedes Lackey

I was thrilled that Lackey once again broke the mold with this installment of the Elemental Masters series. Some things were the familiar, such as a modern (well, Victorian-era) retelling of a traditional fairy tale featuring a strong heroine with elemental magic powers. However, like in Blood Red before it, this novel also transported us outside … Continue reading Review: FROM A HIGH TOWER by Mercedes Lackey

Review: NO TIME LIKE THE PAST (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #5) by Jodi Taylor

After devouring five books in this series, two things are fairly obvious to me at this point: Jodi Taylor is a hell of a researcher/historian. She has also embraced a major facet of writing time travel and run with it rather than fight against it -- Once again, this novel had two major climaxes. One … Continue reading Review: NO TIME LIKE THE PAST (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #5) by Jodi Taylor

Review: CAPTAIN MARVEL Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More by Kelly Sue Deconnick

This was another book picked up by my husband in his quest for graphic novels about women heroes by women authors. I'm a huge fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), but I didn't grow up on comic books, so I've been going into all the movies blind. I figured this would be a great … Continue reading Review: CAPTAIN MARVEL Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More by Kelly Sue Deconnick

Review: ARTICLES OF THE FEDERATION by Keith R. A. DeCandido

Reasons why you should read this book: You are a fan of political dramas that involve multiple main characters dealing with crises and scandals. The television show The West Wing is your favorite of all of those. You are curious about the inner workings of the Federation, a major government in the Star Trek universe, … Continue reading Review: ARTICLES OF THE FEDERATION by Keith R. A. DeCandido

Review: A TRAIL THROUGH TIME (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #4) by Jodi Taylor

It's hard to be a fan of time travel stories without also acquiring some familiarity of the alternate universe trope along the way. Jodi Taylor switches up her world a bit as Max receives the full effect of her second chance. But there are still enough similarities to our original St. Mary's Institute of Historical … Continue reading Review: A TRAIL THROUGH TIME (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #4) by Jodi Taylor

Review: ESSENTIAL MAGIC (Fay of Skye #1) by Cara McKinnon

Disclaimer: The author and I attended the same graduate school program and participate in group promotional tours for our books. However, I purchased my hardcopy version of this novel for full price. For a person who doesn't claim to be a "romance book" reader, I seem to keep lucking out with some amazing speculative fiction … Continue reading Review: ESSENTIAL MAGIC (Fay of Skye #1) by Cara McKinnon

Review: A SECOND CHANCE (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #3) by Jodi Taylor

You could read this as another installment of a series that only brings you time travel adventure (and misadventure). And if you read the book that way, or if that was all you were looking for, you'd still be in for a great ride. On the surface, this book doesn't bring anything to the fuller … Continue reading Review: A SECOND CHANCE (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #3) by Jodi Taylor

Review: A SYMPHONY OF ECHOES (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #2) by Jodi Taylor

There’s always a vague worry when picking up the second book in a series that it won’t quite measure up. That the first amazing novel was a flash-in-the-pan fluke, sucking up all of the author’s creativity and leaving only the dregs of inspiration for future installments. Luckily, I loved A Symphony of Echoes at least … Continue reading Review: A SYMPHONY OF ECHOES (Chronicles of St. Mary’s #2) by Jodi Taylor