This book made quite a splash when it first came out, so it’s been on my radar for a while. I bought it about a year ago, and finally decided to start reading it recently. Overall, it is a fun, exciting, and most of all unique tale that I enjoyed immensely.

My largest critique was that the story dragged a bit at the midpoint, but that is a common issue in debut novels. A secondary critique is that the insertion of the character’s voices into the “text” of the book removed a significant portion of the suspense, because the reader already knows that everyone survives. My enjoyment of the color commentary mostly surpassed this issue.

I didn’t know how much I needed this meld of classic fictional characters until I was in the midst of the story. The feminist take on many of the stories did nothing but improve the overall effect, and I look forward to continuing the trilogy and seeing where Goss takes our intrepid heroines.

Rating: 4 (out of 5) stars. Cross-posted to Amazon and Goodreads.