My 2016 holiday/birthday TARDIS acquisitions, with bonus Alex-cat photobomb. (Not shown: Hand-painted miniature TARDIS I’ve already moved to my desk at the day job and the gorgeous laptop slipcase that a sleeping cat had claimed when I was ready to take this picture.)

Happy 2017 to all! This year I’m looking forward to continuing work on the Steel Empires series, contributing to Speculative Chic, reading lots of amazing books, and attending fun conventions, and watching lots of great movies and television shows. This year’s motto is probably “Work hard, play hard.”

December Wrap-up:

I only had two goals last month, and I blew them both out of the water!

According to Goodreads, I read 55 books in 2016! You can check out my whole year in review at the link.

In addition, here are all of my Speculative Chic contributions for the month of December. If these sorts of things interest you, I hope you consider subscribing for more great content in the upcoming year. We have lots of amazing things planned.

January Goals:

  1. Finish Steel Time! I took yesterday off, but starting today, I’m going to write 1k words a day until I get to “The End.” According to my outline, I have 7 scenes left in the book.
  2. I have notes from critique partners on the first 10k of the book, so the ultimate goal is to make those revisions and then send the whole thing off to my beta readers by the end of the month to get first impressions.
  3. Stay up to date on my book reviews. When I finish a book, write the review. Currently, my physical “to be read” pile includes 93 books and graphic novels, and my Kindle holds 42 books. As usual, my yearly goal is 50 books.

What are you up to this month, and the rest of this year?

There are some great movies coming out, and I’m looking forward to everything from seeing Hidden Figures this upcoming weekend to counting down the days to Star Wars Episode VIII in 12 months.

I’ve already been officially invited to return to two conventions this year, and my goal is to become a participant for at least one new convention.

The first books I’m going to tackle this month are new releases by some friends, but despite the size of my TBR pile, I’m always open to suggestions! What are you looking forward to reading in 2017?