Urban Dragon 1Disclaimer: I received a hardcopy of this novel through a book trade with the author.

I was sold on this book based on two things: The absolutely gorgeous cover art, and when I heard the author read from it during Cleveland ConCoction 2018. I’m a sucker for urban fantasy, but this is urban fantasy done right. It embodies many of the traditional tropes of the genre while simultaneously breaking all the rules. 

Rosario and Arkay are NOT your traditional urban fantasy heroines, in either appearance or attitude. In addition, they’re friends, and the Bechdel test is passed multiple times with flying colors. The world-building is spot-on, the situations are familiar yet unique, and the villains are terrifying and surprising. These days, the best urban fantasy is in the indie market, and this collection of three novellas is a fantastic example of that.

I can’t wait to accost Troemner at the next convention we meet and get volume 2. If I manage to wait that long.

Rating: 5 (out of 5) stars. Cross-posted to Amazon and Goodreads.

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