lies-damned-lies-and-historyThis novel was another strong installment in the Chronicles of St. Mary’s time travel series, full of both laugh-out-loud and gasp-out-loud moments. I continue to love Max, Leon, Peterson, and the rest of the gang, and Taylor’s glimpses into the past are realistic and tantalizing.

I think we’ve established by this point that I adore this series, and while not every book is perfect, never once have I felt like Taylor phoned it in or didn’t raise the stakes. That being said, I’ve now finished 7 novels regarding these characters and their organization, and I have a request.

We were teased with another secret villain in the previous book, but then another (previously defeated) villain shows up at the end of this one. Without giving spoilers, the end of the this novel was definitely tense and almost tragic, but I was all set to learn more about what else might be facing St. Mary’s. Perhaps Taylor feels like she has to drag things out to keep people reading? Trust me, we’re hooked.

There are other things I could ask as well, like a request to appease my curiosity about the America thing. Or perhaps an explanation for Jack the Ripper, which is still bothering me 6 books later. But really, I’m along for the ride no matter what happens.

Rating: 5 (out of 5) stars. Cross-posted to Amazon and Goodreads.

Currently reading: A Theft of Magic (Fay of Skye #2) by Cara McKinnon

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