My fellow Dog Star Books author, Matt Betts, is betraying his speculative fiction roots by writing for the parent company of our imprint: Raw Dog Screaming Press. The audacity! The outrage!

He’s publishing a book of…pirate poetry. Like, actual pirates. With parrots and peg legs.

“Poet. Pirate. It’s all the same really. They both pillage, plunder, drink rum, look for treasure, and sometimes, after too many drinks, they’re known to throw a right hook or two. But that’s the beauty of poetry and piracy-it’s unhinged, a stream of emotions that make you laugh, cry, bleed, bruise, and eat oranges to prevent scurvy. It’s an adventure. It’s feeling the wind on your face from the sea or the page. It’s tasting the salt in the ocean or in your tears. But most importantly, it’s the experience of getting from one port to another, one page to the next, killing one more siren and murdering just one more darling.”

It’s called Underwater Fistfight. It’s going to be AWESOME.

Check out the fantastic cover, featuring artwork by Steven Archer!

There are severe lack of pirates on this cover, Betts.

Archer’s work has previously been featured on poetry collections by RDSP author Stephanie Wytovich (Hysteria and Mourning Jewelry). You can find other pieces at his Etsy store.

For more information about Underwater Fistfight, including the ability to pre-order it, visit Raw Dog Screaming Press or Amazon.