The official book launch of STEEL VICTORY at Seton Hill University’s In Your Write Mind retreat was amazing. The mass book signing on Friday night is always a great event for authors and readers to interact. One of the measures of an in-person book sale event is not necessarily how many books you sell, but how many you sell to people who aren’t already your friends. I’m proud to say that while many of my friends did purchase my book, a significant number of books I signed were for people I had not met before that weekend.

(Even better is the number of people who mentioned on Saturday and Sunday that they had already started the novel and were enjoying it!)

A special shout out goes to my friends Chris and Jo for both keeping me from stressing out during the day and helping me set up my beautiful table. Chris gets extra credit for fetching me a napkin when the most amazing part of the night happened: My parents drove 5 hours from Dayton, Ohio, to surprise me! (The napkin was necessary for happy tears.) My father is also a published author and so knew the importance of the occasion and wanted to be there to support me.

So now my baby is off into the world. Part 1 of this journey is complete.

Part 2 of this journey has a few more hours of editing to do before I can send it to my editor.

Part 3 is going to get a full scene-by-scene outline in July.

(I saw a meme a few months ago that being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life. SO TRUE.)

I hope you will all be there to continue this journey with me in the years to come.

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