COVER REVEAL: The Underside of the Rainbow by B. E. Burkhead

UNVEILING THE RAINBOW Artist Steven Archer has created a raw, textured cover to match B.E. Burkhead’s gritty, and unapologetic realism. In this poetry collection Burkhead shows readers what happens when they take off their rose-colored glasses and look at the world around them. Instead of fields of freshly grown flowers, he writes of alleys with … Continue reading COVER REVEAL: The Underside of the Rainbow by B. E. Burkhead


This is a first post. There's really not much to say here except for the obligatory: STEEL VICTORY comes out in less than a month, WHOOOOOOO! (June 25, to be exact.) Isn't she pretty? One hundred years ago, the vampire Victory retired from a centuries-long mercenary career. She settled in Limani, the independent city-state acting … Continue reading Welcome!